Face Scrub vs Face Wash: What is the Difference?





Walking down the face wash aisle can be overwhelming! Face wash or a face scrub? Do I need both??

Not to worry, we have you covered!

Face Wash…What’s The Deal?

Excellent question!

Face wash vs face cleanser #timetorumble.

For those with dry or sensitive skin, a milder wash is recommended – aka cleansers.

Cleansers are not only moisturizing, but they tend to be more gentle than traditional face washes. Meaning, these milky-like liquids remove makeup and dirt from your face just as effectively as a face wash, while leaving skin feeling silky and smooth.

Face washes, on the other hand, are very similar to soap (crisp and refreshing, zing!) and are perfect for those with combination or oily skin (as they also help to mattify.)

So, if they both clean skin, what is the difference?

The difference is that face washes foam upon application and need to be washed off, while on the other hand, cleansers have a lotion-like consistency, will not foam and often (but not always) need to be wiped off.

That said, at the end of the day, it really comes down to skin type and skincare needs.

If you tend to be more indoors and wear little-to-no makeup, a cleanser is the better choice.

If you tend to be more outdoors and enjoy the latest and greatest makeup face charts, a good face wash is highly suggested for a deeper clean.

And yes, for the record, you can use both in your skincare routine.

Can I use face cleanser as face wash?

Yes and no.

The better question to ask is, what type of skin do I have and what products are right for me?

Using the wrong product for your skin is a big no-no.

For example, if you have dry or sensitive skin and use a face wash, it will wash away impurities and dissolve oil … a little too much. Therefore, you might run the risk of removing all the natural good stuff, leaving your skin feeling dried out, tight and irritated.

Whereas, if you have oily or combination skin and use a cleanser, not specifically formulated for oily and combination skin, you might run the risk of not removing all the impurities and dirt from your face.

To find out what type of skin you have, stop by your local beauty counter or dermatologist.

Cleansing Sticks? What’s that about?

You may have seen products that look like jumbo glue sticks in the face wash aisle. Cleansing sticks are face washes in solid form!  

Face Scrub vs Face Wash: What is the Difference?

…and can they be used interchangeably?

Well, no a face scrub cleanses and removes dead skin cells, leaving skin smooth.

Scrubs can be oil-based, cream-based or clay-based, and include sand-like grains made of walnut shells, or sugar, for example, which act as an agent for exfoliation. Face washes, on the other hand, cleanse skin of dirt and oil and have a creamy or foamy texture.

A face scrub should never be used to substitute a face wash, and never be used on or near the eyes.

Another thing to keep in mind is that if you already use a face wash, a face scrub can be a nice compliment to your skincare regimen.

my recommendation 






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